



'Ein sattes Rock Album zwischen Ballade, Bluesrock und Hardrock mit dem was Rock-Fans gerne hören, wenn es gilt sich nicht zu langweilen.' Michael Brinkschulte from Hörspiegel 8/10 Points.

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'Der Hard-und Soulrock von Bodyguerra dürfte live großartig funktionieren, wirkt er doch schon auf Tonträger stark und beseelt. Variantenreich gesungen und punktgenau instrumentiert - das rockt richtig.'

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'Von stampfenden Rock-Nummern wie "Blood And Stones" über treibende Uptempo-Nummern wie "Twilight" bis hin zu extrem bluesig-groovigen Tracks wie "She Bop" und einer eindrucksvollen Acapella-Nummer namens "My Mother Told Me" bietet das Album eine packende und unterhaltsame Erfahrung, die jeden Rockliebhaber begeistern wird.'

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'Diesmal gehe ich sogar so weit, ihren Gesang teilweise als genial zu bezeichnen. Die Jungs um sie herum leisten gewohnt gute Arbeit an und mit ihren Instrumenten. Niemand gibt sich eine Blöße und jeder Song erscheint wie aus einem Guss. Besonders die härter geratenen Stücke lassen den Blutdruck steigen.' Jürgen Kohlschmidt

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Live report from Kornelia Ricks from german Vollgas-Richtung-Rock
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'Die starke a cappella Nummer „My Mother told me“, ein Ela Sturm Solo, ist eine völlig eigenständige Ergänzung eines starken Albums und gehört zu seinen Highlights.' Norbert von Fransecky from german music magazine Musikansich rates 'Invictus' 16/20. Read it here:
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'Gut gemacht und von Crematory Gitarrist Rolf Munkes sauber produziert. Eine Coverversion von Cindy Lauper´s „She Bop“ ist auch dabei. Ich gebe als Hörtipp aber mal „C´mon Tell Me“ raus:' Arno from german Totentanz Magazin:
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Another great review: „Invictus“ der deutschen Hardrockband Bodyguerra ist ein Album mit melodischem Hardrock. Vor allem die Gitarrenarbeit von Guido Stoecker sowie die Stimme von Sängerin Ela Sturm prägen die Songs. Das ist sehr gut gemacht und macht Spaß. Stephan Schelle from Musikzirkus is highly enthusiastic. Read his full review here:
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'Are you ready to rock? Bodyguerra tut es!  Kornelia Ricks from german Vollgas-Richtung-Rock magazine about us:
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'Die deutsche Hardrockband Bodyguerra, angeführt von der charismatischen Sängerin Ela Sturm, hat mit 'Invictus' eine kraftvolle und energische Rockscheibe eingespielt, die es ordentlich krachen lässt' German InHard Magazine Review. 
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'Wow! What a name! I swear I have never seen anything like that in all my life. As I have never been curious or critique about band’s names – ah, how much I love irony – I went to look for the meaning of it and of coursem I found it by the band itself.'

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'On ne peut que remercier la productivité du guitariste Guido Stoecker et de la chanteuse Ela Sturm qui, moins de deux ans après le précédent et excellent album “Fire & soul” nous renvoient ce nouvel “Invictus” pour le plus grand plaisir des fans… dont je fais partie.' 

English: 'We can only thank the productivity of guitarist Guido Stoecker and singer Ela Sturm who, less than two years after the previous and excellent album 'Fire & Soul' , return with 'Invictus' , to the pleasure of the fans...myself included.'

Metalfreak from France rates 9/10 points.

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'Ela’s charming voice keeps you along the way and you fall in love straight away, the sound follows the previous album. The band is now pretty set up for world domination. A Masterpiece 100/100. Franck from french The Metal Mag about 'Invictus':
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Pedro Carvalho from portuguese Via Nocturna magazine rates 'Invictus' 87/100. Read it here:
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'Bodyguerra is a band that has the most aggressive personality and they demonstrate it in each song on their new album, in which they also explore all facets of Rock. Without a doubt, it is a highly recommanded job.' Angel of death from spanish magazine Dios Del Metal about 'Invictus'. Read it all of it here:
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'Da ascoltare, ad alto volume, se potete.' 'Worth listening to, at high volume, if you can.' Giancarlo De Chirico from italian Extra!Music Magazine about 'Invictus'. Read it here completly:
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'All come together to creaste an entertaining album that is just plain fun.' Anne Carlini from US Exclusive Magazine has an enthusiastic opinion about 'Invictus':
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"Invictus" comes across as a solid and well made excursion into the traditional heavy metal landscapes, explored and served with a little bit of a hard rock side dish.

Another very good review. The Viking in the Wilderness from Norway digged deep into the music. Much appreciated.pastedGraphic.pngpastedGraphic_1.pngpastedGraphic.pngpastedGraphic_1.pngpastedGraphic.png

Read the complete review here:

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Fire & Soul


"I will warn you, Bodyguerra can take classic rock, bluesy, and melodic styles and bring them together to create a one of a kind sound." Review von Kelonie Utely (Berklee College of music).
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Erste Review zu Fire & Soul, vergibt 7/8 Punkten

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Die erste Review zu "Believe" aus dem Vereinigten Königreich

Iron Mathew Collins von Frenzy Fire schrieb: "Overall, a hardrocking slab of bluesy rock, highly infectious and sing a long able, "Believe" is an enticing appetiser for the band´s upcoming album."

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“If you like melodic hardrock/metal with a modern touch and an excellent production, you should give this a listen.” Geert Ryssen wrote about “Fire & Soul”.

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“Een absolute aanrader! ” Marino Serdons about “Fire & Soul”.

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“ben je fan van bluesy hardrock, moet je zeker eens luisteren..” Bart C. for Hellspawn online magazine.

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Czech Republic

“Ela má nejen šílený rozsah, ale především hlas jako zvon, s jehož barevností si umí perfektně pohrát.” 8/10 from Hardmusicbase

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“A masterpiece 100/100.” A very nice review by french print magazine ‘TheMetalMag’.

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“Attention spoiler alert : cet album est une bombe.” Metalfreak from France says it all in one short sentence. 

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Mix1 scores “Fire & Soul” 7/8.

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German ‘Musix’ print magazine released a very nice review

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“Was natürlich auf der ganzen Platte heraussticht, ist die Gitarrenarbeit von Guido Stoecker und der manchmal so richtig schön “dreckige” Gesang von Ela.” Hannelore Hämmer from german online magazine Powermetal.

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A good review from online magazine flyfctory:

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A good review by Piergiuseppe Lippolis for musicmap:

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“Album che evidenzia in più di una occasione il talento chitarristico di Guido Stoecker, un vero virtuoso dello strumento, e mette in luce l’estensione vocale di Ela Sturm, vera “goddess” della band. Album da mettere sul piatto e da ascoltare a tutto volume!” An excellent review by Giancarlo De Chirico for italian Extra!Music Magazine.

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“These guys are showing us potential. An album of a band that can grow well into one you’ll see around a lot.” A quote from Sabine van Gameren.

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“De liefhebber van klassieke hardrock (bij vlagen voorzien van een flinke scheut bluesrock) kan z’n hartje ophalen met Bodyguerra’s Fire & Soul.” Chris van der Aar talking about “Fire & Soul”.

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“and the excellent uptempo melodic rocker Believe (with its AORish chorus and Ela’s vocals like BONNIE TYLER meets STEVIE NICKS meets BELINDA CARLISLE, a clear 80s influenced piece)” Gabor Kleinbloesem from dutch online magazine Strutter ‘Zine scores “Fire & Soul” 8/10

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“A good album that should have a fairly broad appeal.” Olav M. Björnsen, the viking from the wilderness, about “Fire & Soul”.

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There are still reviews coming in. Ray at Metalmundus from Poland wrote: 'On the new album of the band, the musicians managed to find the right balance between sharpness and delicacy, show amazing technical skills without crossing the barrier of self-love. They managed to create an album that should appeal to every lover of good, melodic hard rock.'

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A review by Pavel from Poland:

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“e a mostra novas facetas de uma banda que se revela inovadora a cada momento.” Vianocturna scores “Fire & Soul” 86/100.

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“This is a band, that I would love to hear more from.” A quote by Horex from Slowakia.

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“Overall, a plethora of rock styles await anyone who presses play – across twelve songs, there is something here for every rock fan to enjoy.” Iron Matthew digged deep into the music and wrote a very nice review about “Fire & Soul”.

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“Overall, a hard rocking slap of bluesy rock, highly infectious and sing along able, ‘Believe’ is an enticing appetiser for the band’s upcoming album. Iron Matthew about ‘Believe’

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“Quite remarkable that the band always sounds like a cohesive unit throughout this. Further the recording is excellent and Stoecker has full control over the variety of techniques and tones he employs, wearing his influences on his sleeve without sounding like a rip-off merchant. The vocals are impeccably assembled with luscious harmonies often being employed to spectacular effect.” Chris Hicklin really digged deep into the music.

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“Overall, a plethora of rock styles await anyone who presses play – across twelve songs, there is something here for every rock fan to enjoy.” Iron Matthew digged deep into the music and wrote a very nice review about “Fire & Soul”.
“Yet there’s still something very infectious about it!” A very nice quote from Frenzy Fire online magazine. 
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“Bringing rock with a twist of melodic, classic, and bluesy sounds that makes you want to put on repeat.” Berkley graduated Kelonie Utley about “Fire & Soul”.

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“I was quite moved by the performance on this project, as well as the creative songwriting and superb recording.”An excellent review by Robert Levoy from Florida.

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“In closing, Bodyguerra will impress you with powerful rock as well as melodic songs with catchy hooks like those found within Stay Free and Steelheart, while the title track Fire & Soul proves that the band is not afraid to include soul influences as well.” Anne Carlini from Exclusive magazine

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“A complete album, well written and executed, old-school female fronted hard rock with a punchy modern production.
Highly Recommended”
Another great review by Odayrox.

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“Fire & Soul is the aptly titled second album, full of both fire and soul.” Michael Popke said everything is a few words. 4/5 Stars.

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